Col Thomas McCarthy, PhD - Tufts University/Fletcher (Comandant/Dean)
Dr. Stephen Wright, PhD - Tufts University/Fletcher (Vice Commandant)
Dr. Stephen Chiabotti, PhD - Duke University
Dr. Stephen Chiabotti, PhD - Duke University
Dr. Thomas Hughes, PhD - University of Houston
Dr. James Kiras, PhD - University of Reading, UK
Dr. Richard Muller, PhD - Ohio State University (Dean of Academics)
Dr. James Tucci, PhD - University of Wisconsin
Dr. Harold Winton, PhD - Stanford University
Col Richard Bailey, PhD - Georgetown University (Dean of Students)
Col M.V. "Coyote" Smith, PhD - University of Reading, UK (Director of Staff)
Lt Col Shawn Cochran - University of Chicago
Lt Col Tim Cullen, PhD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Col M.V. "Coyote" Smith, PhD - University of Reading, UK (Director of Staff)
Lt Col Shawn Cochran - University of Chicago
Lt Col Tim Cullen, PhD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sheila McKitt – Academic Program Manager
Kenyse Savage – Budget Analyst